Image with caption
Add information to your images.

Image caption title
Image caption description. Uniquely mesh tactical imperatives rather than fully tested scenarios.
Layout one
This is one of the layouts available for the image with caption element. You can have a title and a description shown or hidden on image hover. You can easily control the typography of the title and the description.
Layout two
This is one of the layouts available for the image with caption element. You can have a title and a description shown or hidden on image hover. You can easily control the typography of the title and the description.

Image caption title
Image caption description.

Caption title
Caption description
Preloader animation
You can make your images be loaded only when if the user scrolls enough to see them. After the image is loaded, one of dozens fancy appearance animations will be shown.
Control shadow and border radius
You can add small, medium or large shadow to your images to make them look better, or disable shadow. Additionally, you can set border-radius in to fit the overall design.

Image caption title
This image has rounded borders and no shadow, unlike the ones above.

Caption title
Caption description
Any overlay color
You can set any solid or gradient overlay color and choose your caption to be dark or light. Create unique color combinations to attract your visitors’ attention.